1934 - 2003

Virginia Dare Mattiza of Austin, Texas, passed away on June 26, 2003.
Virginia had a vibrant love people, dogs and zest for living to the fullest!
She blessed the lives of many people throughout the world
The Bichon Frise Community of Love has lost a dear friend.

My glass is run, my life is spent,
My earthly temple was but lent
Why should I wish for length of years
To spend them in a vail of tears
Friends nor physicians could not save
My mortal body from the grave
Nor can the grave confine it here...

Many friends have offered their memories of Virginia's wonderful spirit....

       There is a new star burning tonight in the heavens and it has received the name of Virginia. It is an extraordinary star and aptly reflects the remarkable light that shone forth from the indomitable spirit of the woman who was known to us by this name. She was a woman who was not afraid to show her spirit and obvious love for humanity and all that God has created. The 1994 inaugural speech given by Nelson Mandella comes to mind, specifically: "We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. As we let our own Light shine, we unconsciously give Other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others." I cannot think of words that would better describe the life force of Virginia Dare Mattiza. I knew her through the List, never having had the privilege of meeting her personally. There were times when we corresponded frequently. I admired her ability to express her strong opinions and her courage in being able to share them so unselfishly with others. Her motivation was always to assist and to serve. I think she was truly remarkable, interesting, highly intelligent and possessed a sharp wit that undoubtedly served her well in this life. I used to send her pictures of my crew and she would write back and tell me that she had printed them out and had them hanging next to her computer. She particularly favored my little Cameo, who she likened to her Raleigh when he was a baby. One time I wrote to her and told her that something she had said on the List inspired me to start the Journal of Sir Linus. I thought that the former school teacher in her would appreciate knowing that she was still teaching and inspiring people. I felt that she must have been a very good teacher and she seemed quite pleased that I had conveyed this to her. Unfortunatley, like so many of us, I did not realize the depth and severity of her health problems. I have been so busy this past year....I do recall a post where someone wrote in that Virginia was ill and I meant to jot off a quick note of support, but did not do so. It is with deep regret that I am once again reminded of the importance of being present and not putting off what can be done at the momment. I had been thinking lately of e-mailing her a recent picture of my Bichoneers. I knew she would appreciate it. Right now I am thinking of her German Shepherd, Princess, who she often wrote of and referred to as the GSD. Princess had been deeply loved by Virginia and had gone to the Bridge several years ago. I imagine that Princess was waiting there for her Momma to come through the veil and they crossed the Rainbow Bridge together. I know that Virginia will be there for Raleigh when it is his turn. I was deeply shocked and saddened to learn last night of her passing. Our three dimensional world has lost a wonderful soul, but wherever she is, they have gained a jewel. Farewell, Viriginia, you have touched many lives and left a legacy that is rich and inspiring. You were generous and exuded the quality of grace. You will be missed by many and remembered as a person who celebrated and reveled in the miracle of their own existence. Hopefully, we will meet again, someday. Most humbly and always at your service.....
Sir Linus (With love from The Great Lord and La Petite Bête)

     Aamigos, what a very sad day. Mi Mamacita she ees weeping. Mi corazon ees berry berry heavy. Ees thees because I have the mats in my fur? No, thees ees because we have lost our berry good friend, Birgeenia Dare Matizza. She was the one who could espeak the rill Espanol. She was the one of the berry beeg opinions. Mamacita was afraid Birgeenia would find out we are liberal democrats. But thees woman had a corazon (heart) even bigger than her opinions. Mi amiga, Birgeenia, even sent me the gifts. She sent me a white fluffy teddy bear with a baseball hat and the name "El Gringo" on eet. Eet looked like me! Thees was a woman who knew how to love the Bichons! BIRGEENIA, BIRGEENIA! We love jou! Jou will be berry berry missed here!  El Gringo and Barbara Bird, Tuscon, AZ, USA

Generous; compassionate; thoughtful; humble; helpful; humourous; passionate; attentive...these are some of the descriptive words that come to mind when I think of Virginia.  Her private posts were treasures and were always sent with much respect and care.  She is a lady I wish I could have known better.  Her quick departure back home to God is a reminder to cherish one another.  She is still teaching us. 

~Terry Tribe Johnson, Ontario, Canada

A couple of years ago, Virginia made time to come and visit us (photo right) one weekend with Raleigh, after spending time with her son Royle in Pensacola, that she always talked so fondly about. She brought me a Hibiscus plant, that just recently went into full bloom. I was just thinking about her this morning as I looked at the beautiful red flowers, thinking that I needed to email her and tell her how beautiful they were again this year.  She was so committed to Raleigh. Grinding up the food, freezing them, doing several months in advance, he was definitely well loved and taken care of by her. I am glad that he is used to going to her daughter Gina's house, with her fluff, so that the transition for him won't be so traumatic, it's still familiar surroundings but I'm sure he is feeling the loss of his "mama", who doted on him in every way. I pray that he adjusts well. I wish I would have known that she was ill.  My prayers go out to her family.

Virginia & Gena sharing happy moments
Life is short. Enjoy every minute. Don't stress about the small stuff when time is flying by before your eyes and you're wasting it by being depressed about something, when you could be happy about something else. Realize what you're blessed with instead of what you don't have or what's wrong. Right? Hugs to all. Gena Thomas

Virginia was a lady who cared deeply about life and about Raleigh in particular. I am sad she is gone. - Renee Cox,  Buffy the bichon & Sysco the shihtzu, British Columbia, CANADA

Virginia was such a good friend to so many of us. I shared numerous emails with her and I loved her humor. She was a straight shooter. I talked to her at great length one morning on the phone, from Australia. We laughed a lot. She was fun, and a great gal. I wanted to visit with her. It was disappointing that we didn't get to meet at Gaille's Bash last year. What Gena Thomas said is so true, 'life is short, enjoy every minute'. Blessings Laurie, Mr. Right and Ms. Candy Wong "Raleigh we send you Bichon licks and tailwags, and enjoy your new life, you will still be loved". Melbourne Australia

We lost someone special to us when Virginia Dare passed. How very sad. She was generous of spirit, a bundle of opinions, very alive with enthusiasm for the Bichon breed. We love knowing her dear Raleigh is with her precious daughter, whom she spoke of so often. Virginia was always one of the first to respond through private email with encouragement. Throughout the years she spoke of prayer and her love for God; may this bring comfort to her family and friends. Good-bye, Virginia.     - Mary Long

Virginia was always the first one to email me privately when I had a problem or wanted to talk about something. Her daughter lives very near me and they both recommended the same groomer to me for my Zoe and Crash. I regret that I haven't been active with the list much lately and I regret that I haven't spoken to her in so long. This list is special, even when we don't always post, we still get to know people in different ways. Virginia will be missed by those of us on the list, her family and poor Raleigh. I'm glad he is with her daughter and her bichon Zoe.    -  DeAnna, Zoe, Crash and Piper (the Papillion)

I  got shocked when I heard about Virginia's passing. Virginia and I didn't agree always on some topics but she sent me pictures of her flying a plane and I knew that Virginia had so many virtues and so many life experiences to share. I am so glad that Raleigh has a nice home with her daughter now. Virginia cared so very much about her little Raleigh. - Marianne, Frida and Mindy in Orebro, Sweden

Please send my sincere sympathy to Virginia's family on too. I know only to well what it feels like. There is nothing anyone can say to make you feel better but please know we all here in Rangiora are thinking of them - Trisha from New Zealand

  I will miss Virginia's candor, and her willingness to always answer a question, no matter how dumb it might have sounded. I hope she knows just how many lives she impacted in a positive way through this List.   I appreciate you all. - Libby Godbold SC

Virginia had strong views - was happy to express them :-) and was devoted to her 2 and 4 legged family. She will be sorely missed by the many friends she made here.  -
Derek A Briggs -  Eastbourne- Sussex- England

Wasn't it Virginia Dare that made all those tuna and salmon cookies for the Southeastern Bash at Gaile's in TN? It ended up that she couldn't come but she sent the cookies on anyway. She had a heart of gold and will be truly missed.  -  Joyce Edmonds, Alabama

I also wanted to pay tribute to Virginia's willingness to be there to answer a question....and offer support personally. I was in a bad way a couple years ago ...... and she was very supportive.  Also, every time I add a little pinch of MSM to Sammy's food...I always think of her.  I do like to think she is also romping at the bridge with all our buddies. Enjoy this day! - Bonnie & Sammy MOE Stamford, CT
I was so shocked & saddened to learn of Virginia's homegoing. Her thoughtfulness I will always remember. Yes, Joyce(Edmonds) she was the one who sent tuna cookies to Gaile's bash last year in Tn. when she could not bring them herself. She was always so willing to help whomever whenever she could . We love you Virginia, we miss you. We will see you later. :o) Tony & Barb. Zupancic in Lexington, Ky. with Happy our bichon. "Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures." 1 Corinthians 13:7

I am saddened to hear of the loss of Virginia Dare Mattiza. She helped me so much when I first joined the list! Always replying with a quick answer and so kind! I'm sure her family will cherish her little Raleigh.  -  Rosemarie & Ringo Niles, OH

I remember her talking about her GSD who died from "awful bone cancer". She obviously loved that dog and her sweet Raleigh very much. Virginia sounded off to me about the water bottle in Gracie's kennel (before she knew it wasn't her only water source). And she was irritated with the idea of debarking. I can't remember how many times I read her description of Raleigh's "raw meaty bones". And I'll never forget her advice about using the glucosamine. She always answered our calls for prayers and helped out with info whenever she had it to offer.

When Raleigh was attacked and she told the story, I could just picture her pummeling that damn dog until it let go of her baby! 

From Virginia's writing, I got to know her as a woman full of energy and unafraid of anything. Virginia was... FEISTY! I imagined her to be a strong-willed and unapologetic Southern belle (perhaps because she used two last names). I loved sparring with her, both on the list and privately. She was a neat, spunky lady, who will be missed here.        Dawn B., Gracie & Co. :), Lakeland, FL, USA

I'm really really so sorry about Virginia. I think everybody on this list will miss her alot. I know I will. - Pat Regensburg, Florida

I was heartbroken when I read about Virginia too. After reading so many of her posts to the BF-L I feel as though I have lost a good friend.  - Patty Gemoll Haley and Hannah Wind Lake, WI

I am so sad to hear that we've lost Virginia. She was incredibly supportive and helpful to me when my old 19 year old cat was ill and sent to the bridge early this past spring. She wrote many long e-mails to me and cheered me up many times. I can't believe she's gone. She will certainly be missed. Goodbye Virginia. With tears, Georgia and the babies......Napoleon and Josephine

Such shocking sad news about Virginia. I was one of the new members she wrote a welcome note when I first joined, she wrote me that she had lived in Portland, and we agreed she and Raleigh would visit us when she came back this way. I think she had a very large heart... and will leave a very big hole. - Marie for Ric, Blaine, Pippi and Poppi in Portland, Oregon

Words cannot express the shock and grief that I felt this afternoon when I read the message of Virginia's passing. I kept thinking there must be some mistake, but alas, it must be true. Just yesterday I thought of writing her to encourage her to come to Gaile's Bash this year as she had planned to come last year but work had prevented her coming. Even then she had made arrangements to have her tuna cookies transported to the Bash for all the fluffs to share. I will always regret that we did not get that opportunity to meet in person. Virginia was one of the first ones to welcome me to the BFL when I first joined a little over a year ago and one of the first ones to come to my aid when I started looking in to a raw diet for Emmy and Baby. She will certainly be sorely missed. Our thoughts and prayers for her family and for precious little Raleigh who will miss her more than anyone else. Wishing all a wonderful Bichon day Love,  - Judy, Baby and sweet Emmy In Wild Wonderful West Virginia

It is with great sadness I have heard of the passing of a friend Virginia befriended me on this list When she knew I was passionate not only about my bichons but also my yorkies . she sent me the most beautiful book on Yorkies It is something I will cherish and have for always to remember her. My thoughts are to her family friends and her little companions  - Gerri Greig Tejada  Ferntreee Gully Victoria Australia

Please pass on my sincere sympathy to Virginia's family. Its sad when a member passes on. - Carolyn from Auckland New Zealand

You are feeling ever so dear to me today specifically because of Virginia's death. - Patti Harada in Tucson

How sad I am to here of Virginia's passing. my thoughts and prayers go to her family, and friends. I will miss her wisdom, and advice. AnnE and Gang in NZ

Warm empathy....great compassion....fierce patriotism.....strongly held opinions....and a deep, boundless affection for her family and her beloved Raleigh....and ALL our fluffs as well. These are only a few of the many things this wonderful woman shared with others. I will miss her more than I can say. Virginia contributed more to my life than she knew, and I'm sure many others can say the same. We were blessed to have known her and called her "friend". Fair winds and following seas, Virginia. I'll never forget you.  - Pamme Davis Oviedo, FL

I am soooo sad to learn of Virginia's passing. Just like many others.... she was one of the first to ever email me when I first joined this group. And she was always the first to email when I had a question. Now reading all of the other posts about how generous and kind she was... How in the world did the woman do it???? Bless her heart! We all must remember to not be sad though... just think of how much fun she's having up there w/all them critters that are waiting for the rest of us! :) Teresa in Indy

I am very sorry to hear about Virginia....she was quite a lady. We will miss her.  - Marilyn Lentini,  Eustis FL

 Virginia knew her people well. She was a fine judge of character.   I mean just look at her choice of dogs. I loved her and will miss her input on the BF-L. Her opinions reflected her high intelligence and she had a way of helping that gave encouragement during  difficult times. She improved people's self esteem. When I read about  her passing, I was instantly in tears. I smile now when I think of Barb's El Gringo, moaning, Birgeenia, Birgeenia. El Gringo, she could not be saved by the Betterinarian, but lives on in a world of peace and  love, to never be forgotten.  -Carol Hyatt

I was saddened to hear about Virginia... she will surely be missed, as she was a great poster :) (((hugs))) Very Waggily, Tiffani Hallan, Texas

I, too, was greeted warmly and personally by her when I first joined the list. She seemed to have a way of making a connection with everyone - in my case, that her son had formerly lived in my area of the world, so she knew just where I was. Virginia was always one of the first to respond with personal advice when I asked a question of List members, including sending me her recipe for Tuna Biscuits about three seconds after I requested it. She will continue to be an inspiration as I remember her, and challenge myself to be as encouraging and enthusiastic as she was, and to always do the right thing without hesitation.
 - Patti Sontra & Molly Everett, WA

   Virginia exemplified 'spunky' lady! Her intelligent, well-read views on multiple issues of life was always a joy to behold.   We shared an intrigue of people and had many private conversations about human traits and those we welcomed into our lives.  We both hoped she would be well enough to attend our Bash this year . . .  now she can enjoy being here without pain!  -  'Joyous' Gaile Avent, Symphony Hill, TN

  You will be deeply missed. Dance with the fluffs @ the Rainbow Bridge and wait for us all there someday. - Brenda Kelley

  I am so sorry to hear about Virginia. She was always there to respond to our questions and problems and was such a caring person. She had a great heart and will be missed. Marge Strauss & Cowboy E. Windsor, NJ

  When Gary and I were having our initial troubles with the condo association, Virginia gave me a piece of advice..."don't let them see how angry you are -- you know your legal standing and you will win this battle.  You are a strong person -- I see it from your postings." Robin and Puffy in New Jersey
For Virginia,   A cluster of beautiful memories sprayed with a million tears. Kate and Casper from The U'K
  A couple of years ago my husband, son, and I were thinking of moving to Austin, Texas.  I had emailed the list to ask if there was anyone familiar with the area, Virginia responsed back to me.  She was so helpful. She offered me motherly advice about the cost of living and the changes for my son.  She also gave me good advice about the changes for my Corky.  She was even willing to help us find a place to live if we decided to move.  With the information she provided we were able to make the right decision for our family and stay here in Iowa.  She always gave me support and advice on things having to do with my fluff baby Corky.  Especially last year when he bit the maintanence man and I was totally freaked out that my baby would be taken away.  She helped calm my fears and everything turned out fine.  Virigina, we miss you and God bless you!   Pat, Corky, and Sadie, Iowa, USA

   " I bet she is dancing with the fluffs at the Rainbow Bridge right now!!  " 
- Diane 

Soar freely, Virginia
Breath in that fresh pain-free living.
We love you and we shall miss you!
From the many bichon lovers
whose lives you have touched so deeply.

If you wish to add your personal memory of Virginia, please submit here.










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