Bichon Frise
Information Station

serving the worldwide Bichon Frise community


Please be vigilant of these things ....  Clic


Attn:   Kroger Shoppers

'There is no therapist in the world as effective as an adoring bichon.'
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: All information contained on these pages is offered as a helpful service.  It it not intended as medical counsel or taking the place of professional guidance. Please seek the services of  a competent veterinarian or professional dog trainer at the first indication of problems.



These "TIPS" are offered as cautionaries for summertime safety.  This list is in no way intended to serve as a 'complete' list of the things we need to be aware of, but is offered as a way to increase awareness of the dangers of summer weather. 
(Please contact me if you think of others ... I'd love to add your suggestions.

NEVER leave your bichon out in full sun or in a closed vehicle. Temperatures can sore quickly and kill or brain injure a dog within mere minutes. * Cracking a window does not help much in warm temperatures. Please ... leave your dog home in the summer ... or have someone sit in the car with your dog with the windows down or A/C on. Automobiles can overheat and stall ... and I'm sure a dog inside a hot automobile without the A/C on is not an experience any of us wants to have ...

  Have plenty of bowls of cool fresh water about your home/yard to be available for constant replenishing of hydrants. Dehydration in dogs can easily lead to complications such as UTIs and possibly aid in bladder stone development.

Many of us travel more in summertime .. and expose our dogs to many health dangers. Please be sure your dog's titer levels (antibodies) are at high enough levels to protect them from distemper, parvo & rabies. This can be done through annual immunizations or through regular blood tests to check titer levels (after the dog has had immunizations in years past)

Travel also requires mandatory identification. We use little luggage tags ... and change the date as we travel through different areas.. We provide our cell phone # and the numbers of friends we might be visiting in the region. Yes, it takes a bit of conscientious thought, but it's worth it to us to have part of our pets welfare covered.

  Stash an extra leash or flexileash in your vehicle/s. When I see people with off leash dogs at rest areas, it gives me chills. The story is always: "Oh, he stays right with me". But dogs are dogs ... and rabbits are having a very good year ... let's please not have a sad ending .....

Exercise - Bichons in general don't handle heat real well. Therefore, be careful about exercising them in the heat of the day. Early morning or late evening walkies are generally easier on their delicate little anatomies.

# Bichon coats are often cut back to puppy cuts in the summertime to provide ease of care and cooling. BUT ... Bichons can get sunburned. Please protect them from the full sun and/or use sun lotion on their sweet skin.

M Know the indicators of heatstroke: Panting, drooling, elevated pulse, fever (oops! .. don't know what 'normal' is? Time to check your individual dog's 'normal' levels (at rest) so you'll be able to recognize any elevation.  Get familiar with how to address heatstroke should you suspect it ... (Most recommend getting the dog cool asap by immersing in cool water and taking it to the vet IMMEDIATELY)

  Be vigilant about fleas and ticks. Flea bites can quickly lead to nasty and painful hot spots . . . and ticks carry Lyme disease. There are many very effective products easily available today .... both chemical and natural.

  Some parts of North America are now hot beds of heartworm infestations. Have your dog tested and consult your veterinarian for guidance as to the need for regular dosage of heartworm preventative meds.

N Pesticides & fertilizers can be toxic to your pets. Please check the container before applying in areas where pets frequent.

  Be aware of possible allergic response to insect bites in your fluff. If they're bitten or stung multiple times, best take them to a vet.

IN EMERGENCY: 888-555-5555  Also place your vet's phone number in a conspicuous place for quick access. Injuries which are addressed quickly can often save a pet's life.

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